Dealing With ADHD

Dealing With AddLearn How To Cope Today

ADHD or Attention Deficit – Hyperactivity Disorder is the term now used for a condition which has had several names over the past hundred years. ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder is another term coined for this condition, this term is no longer in widespread use. Many professionals who have diagnosed individuals with ADD, the corresponding diagnostic category, using current terminology, would most likely be “ADHD, Predominantly, Inattentive Type”. This chronic condition is diagnosed with more than 3 million US cases per year. This is an incurable condition, but treatment may help in most cases. Keep learning on to learn more about this condition.

Do you have a child, an immediate family member, or even yourself who is currently showing signs of ADHD/ADD? If so, adults who are suffering with this condition may have trouble managing their time, being organized, setting goals, and holding down a job. ADHD in children can often show signs of trouble learning, are in constant motion, squirm and fidget, do not listen, often talk excessively, interrupt and much more. No matter who is dealing with this chronic condition it is tough to cope with and takes a lot of patience, however, with the active participation in treatments you can make the situation much easier on yourself and your family.

Where Does ADHD Come From?

Unfortunately, there is no known cause for how people get ADHD/ADD. It’s possible that the condition may run in families, but ongoing research is focused on finding the genes that causes person to be likely to get ADHD. Many studies have shown that mother’s who use cigarettes, alcohol or other drugs during pregnancy may increase the risk for this chronic condition. Exposure to lead may lead to causes and symptoms linked with ADHD and ADD. It has also been said by many parents that foods with sugars or food additives make their children more hyperactive, however, these foods have not been shown to cause the condition.

What Are Symptoms Of ADHD?

There are three types of symptoms that come along with having this condition…

  1. Inattention/Trouble paying attention – Often people struggling with ADHD/ADD are easily distracted. They have a very hard time focusing on any one task.
  2. Trouble sitting for short amounts of time – This is very common in children and teens. They may often squirm, fidget, or run around at the wrong times. Teens and adults often feel restless and fidgety. They are not able to enjoy reading or other quiet activities.
  3. Becoming active before thinking – Talking too loud, laughing too loud, or become angrier than the situation calls for is common in those who are suffering with ADHD. In children, they may not be able to wait for their turn or to share. This is what makes it tough for children to play with other children. They also have trouble making quick decisions that have long term impact on their lives.

If you have a child that is preschool age, symptoms are often the same as normal behavior for young children. For children between the ages of 6 and 12, signs of ADHD are more obvious than in other age groups. In teens between the ages of 13 and 18, problems that began in earlier years may continue or get worse. Symptoms in adults may not be as noticeable as in other age groups.

How Do You Treat ADHD?

The treatment for these cases relines on a combination of medicines and behavior therapy. It also depends on the age of your child. First and foremost, it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis of ADHD and an understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses.

For medicine, a doctor may recommend a stimulant for your child. These examples include Adderall or Dexedrine. However, some of these medications can lead to bothersome side effects, and your doctor may switch the medication over to a non-stimulant such as Strattera or Kapvay.

Behavior therapy is another treatment that is commonly used. Parents learn strategies, such as positive reinforcement to improve their child’s behavior. Children also learn skills for problem solving, communication, and self advocacy. Counseling may help children and adults who have ADHD recognize problem behaviors and learn ways to deal with them.

Most adults may benefit from medications, there are support groups that include education about the disorder, and skills training in time management training, organizational techniques, and academic and vocational counseling.