An In-Depth Look At The Frontal Lobe

frontal lobeFind Out The Functions Of Your Brain!

The are four specific areas of our brain that functions the way our bodies work. These areas include the parietal, frontal, occipital and temporal lobes. Today we’ll discuss how the frontal lobe functions certain parts of your body and the possible injuries to this part of your brain! The frontal brain is located in the front and upper area of the cortex. It carries out higher mental processes such as thinking, decision making and planning. This is an important part of your brain that carries out important functions. Keep reading on to learn more about this part of your brain now.

Here’s a fun fact for you to know; back in the mid 1800’s a guy named Phineas Gage was a railroad worker. He miraculously survived an accident where a large iron pole was said to have been driven into his head. Specifically through the frontal lobe. After this incident, it is said that his personality changed drastically. Because of the damage to his frontal lobe this once kind and hard working gentlemen turned into a lazy and rude man until he died years later. This is what allowed doctors and psychologists to analyze the brain and see the important and functions of the frontal lobe.

What Is The Frontal Lobe?

As already mentioned, the frontal lobe controls important cognitive skills in humans, such as emotional expression, problem solving, memory, language, judgement and sexual behavior. It is, in essence, the “control panel” of our personality and our ability to communicate. It happens to also be responsible for primary motor function, or our ability to consciously move our muscles, and the two key areas related to speech, including Broca’s area.

You typically use this area to make decisions, such as what to eat or drink for breakfast in morning, as well as for thinking or studying for a test. This part of the area is also where our personality is formed and where we can carry out higher mental processes such as planning. In addition, the frontal lobe is necessary to being able to speak fluently and meaningfully.

There are important asymmetrical differences in the frontal lobes. The left lobe is involved in controlling language related movement, whereas the right lobe plays a role in non-verbal abilities. Some researchers emphasize that this rule is not absolute and that with many people, both lobes are involved in nearly all behavior.

What Injuries Happen In The Frontal Lobe?

Because this area is considered our emotional control center and home to our personality. A disturbance of of motor function is typically characterized by loss of fine movements and strength of the arms, hands and fingers. Complex chains of motor movement also seem to be controlled by the frontal lobes. Anyone with damage to this area of the brain exhibit little spontaneous facial expression, which points to the role in facial expression. Broca’s Asphasia is difficulty speaking and has been associated with front damage by Brown.

Researchers also happen to believe that it may have to do with IQ tests typically assessing convergent rather than divergent thinking.  Damage seems to have an impact on divergent thinking, or flexibility and problem solving ability. There is also lingering evidence interference with attention and memory even after good recovery from a TBI.

A common characteristic of damage to this area of the brain is the dramatic change in social behavior. Remember the fun fact I told you about earlier? A person’s personality can undergo significant changes after an injury, especially when both lobes are involved.